Poetry And Short Story Contest Winners

Christian Robinson And Bailey Croft Win Poetry And Short Story Contest

The Women’s Club of Westfield has announced the winners for its 2016 Youth Poetry and Short Story Contest. There were four categories each section: Grades K-1-2, Grades 3-4-5, Grades 6-7-8, and Grades 9-10-11-12.
The Poetry winner for Grades 6-7-8 was Cranford resident Christian Robinson, son of Amy and David for his poem, “Maine.” Christian is a sixth grade student at Orange Avenue School.
The Short Stories Winner for Grades 6-7-8 was Cranford’s Bailey Croft, daughter of Tracy and Jason Croft for her short story, “The New Girl.” Bailey is also a sixth grade student at Orange Avenue School.
The ladies of the Women’s Club of Westfield are pleased and happy to congratulate these winning students and their families! The winning  poems and short stories have been sent on to be judged at the state level by the New Jersey Federation of Women’s Clubs.

(above) Bailey Croft

(above) Bailey Croft

(above) Christian Robinson

(above) Christian Robinson