Union Twsp Historical Society Hosted Peterstown History Talk

On Sunday, March 20, 2016, the Union Township Historical Society (UTHS) hosted a presentation given by Joe and Tina Renna, coauthors of The Peterstown Book: Cent’Anni (The 100-Year History of an Italian-American Neighborhood). The event took place at Connecticut Farms Presbyterian Church.
People of all ethnicities can relate to The Peterstown Book’s universal themes – the struggles and triumphs of families in search of the American Dream that were achieved through hard work, strong values, and dedication to their church. The volume describes the section of Elizabeth, New Jersey, that’s been called Peterstown. It relates the stories of the many generations who have lived in that area.
The Peterstown Book covers the 100-year history of an Italian immigrant/Italian-American neighborhood by focusing on its people. The book preserves a valuable oral history in danger of being lost and beautifully illustrates the traditions and customs of the tight knit community through thousands of photos, hundreds of recipes, and anecdotes shared b  former and current residents.
For additional information about the book or to place an order visit PeterstownNJ.com or call Joe at 908-447-1295.

(above) Authors Joe and Tina Renna with members of the Union Township Historical Society, Anita Centeno, Marie and Joseph Canarelli, Barbara and Dennis LaMort and Michael Yesenko.

(above) Authors Joe and Tina Renna with members of the Union Township Historical Society, Anita Centeno, Marie and Joseph Canarelli, Barbara and Dennis LaMort and Michael Yesenko.