Author Day At Valley View Middle School

On Wednesday, January 13th, 2016, Valley View Middle School in Watchung welcomed (above) Standing: Rachel Krouk, Shreya Maggon, Author – Jordan Sonnenblick, Aidan Cooper, Kaelin Churchill Sitting: Jayda Upton, Finn Sorensen, Leah Alberto and Helen Zheng noted children’s author Jordan Sonnenblick. Several students joined him for lunch.

(above) Standing: Rachel Krouk, Shreya Maggon, Author - Jordan Sonnenblick, Aidan Cooper, Kaelin Churchill Sitting: Jayda Upton, Finn Sorensen, Leah Alberto and Helen Zheng

(above) Standing: Rachel Krouk, Shreya Maggon, Author – Jordan Sonnenblick, Aidan Cooper, Kaelin Churchill Sitting: Jayda Upton, Finn Sorensen, Leah Alberto and Helen Zheng