Public Art Event Well Attended

Submitted by: Marjan Nirou Saniee

On Saturday, Jan. 16th, NP Public Art held a fundraiser at the DeCorso Center, 15 East Fourth St., New Providence.
NP Public Art i(NPPA) is a newly formed committee of the Borough of New Providence. Its mission, according to Marjan Nirou Saniee (NPPA chairperson), who spoke at the event, is to “bring public sculpture to open spaces in New Providence by way of private donations and grants.”
Attending were over a hundred members of the community who were treated to a performance of a comedy by a group of students from New Providence High School. The performance was directed by Theresa Turner, NP Recreation instructor and NPPA committee member, and was preceded by a silent auction. The attendees had a chance to bid on the silent auction items and enjoy refreshments while socializing before the performance.
A total of $1,505 was raised through ticket sales and the silent auction, which will be used to bring public art to New Providence. Tax deductible donations to NPPA can be sent to NP Public Art, c/o Borough of New Providence, 360 Elkwood Ave., New Providence NJ 07974. NP Public Art can be found on Facebook. To contact the group, please send an email to