Walnut Avenue School Raised Over $1000 to Donate

Walnut Avenue School Raised Over $1000 To Donate To Cranford Family Care For The Holiday Season

The giving spirit of the holidays arrived a little early at Walnut Avenue Elementary School in Cranford, NJ. During the month of November, the little Pre-K-Grade 2 school’s classrooms competed in a Turkey Feather Contest that raised money for Cranford Family Care.
The “feathers” cost twenty-five cents each. Students and families were challenged with purchasing as many as they could while competing against other classes in the school and the families of the school stepped up in a huge way!
Each class was represented by a giant paper “Turkey” posted on a bulletin board in the cafeteria and the students were able to see each class’s progress each day. Each day PTA member David Falk filled the turkeys with the hundreds of purchased feathers, representing the money that came pouring in. The children got a thrill out of competing against one another to bring victory to their classrooms, all the while learning about caring, compassion, and generosity.
The competition was heated, but in the end, Second Grade teacher Mrs. Scepkowsi’s class was the victor, resulting in Mrs. Scepkowski receiving a $50 Barnes & Noble gift card for her to fill her classroom library shelves with new books. In total, the contest, sponsored by the Walnut Avenue School PTA, raised $1000 for Cranford Family Care. Principal Angelo Paternoster presented the check to the director of the Cranford agency, Kathy Willis on Monday, December 6, 2015. Cranford Family Care assists families in times of need all throughout the year. Good job little Cougars!!

(above, l-r) WAS Principal Angelo Paternoster presents $1000 check to Cranford Family Care Kathy Willis.

(above, l-r) WAS Principal Angelo Paternoster presents $1000 check to Cranford Family Care Kathy Willis.