Healthy Lifestyle Tips For Families From the Westfield Area Y

Summer has come to an end, children are back to school and the feeling of fall is in the air. The Westfield Area Y understands how important developing and maintaining healthy habits is throughout the seasons and offers healthy tips for the entire family.
A great way to start building a healthy lifestyle is to incorporate more activity and healthier eating habits into your daily family routine:
• Eat Healthy: Make water the drink of choice (supplemented by age-appropriate portions of 100 percent fruit juices and low-fat milk) and make it easy for everyone to fill half their plate with fruits and vegetables to provide a variety.
• Play every day/Go Outside: Kids should have at least an hour of uninstructed play outside ( when possible) and break a sweat at least three times a week by getting 20 minutes or more of vigorous physical activity.
• Get Together: Eat as a family as frequently as possible with kids involved in meal preparation and clean up. In addition, adults should take a break from electronics and spend one-on-one time each day with their kids, enjoying one another’s company.
• Reduce Screen Time: Time Spent in front of a television, computer, tablet, cell phone or video games should be limited to two hours per day.
• Sleep Well: Kids and adults need to keep a regular sleep schedule of 10-12 hours per night for kids and seven to eight hours for adults.
• There is also a need to maintain healthy habits while outside the home. The Westfield Area Y offers classes, programs and activities for adults, children, teens and families to help stay active and engaged throught the year. Y certified staff are also available to assist in developing exercise programs that are right for your family’s needs.
Registration is going on now for the Fall 1 session. Visit to learn more about the Westfield Area Y programs. Members can register online and non-members can visit the Welcome Center at the Main Y facility, 220 Clark Street in Westfield.
The Y is the nation’s leading nonprofit committed to strengthening communities through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. Financial assistance is available for those who qualify.

(above) Westfield Area Y Parent/Child swim classes provide a great opportunity to bond.

(above) Westfield Area Y Parent/Child swim classes provide a great opportunity to bond.