Hetfield House Annual Fall Mum & Plant Sale
Don’t miss the Mountainside Restoration Committee’s Annual Fall Mum & Plant Sale on the lawn of the Deacon Andrew Hetfield House. This year’s sale takes place from Thursday, Sept. 12th through Saturday, Sept. 14th from 9am-4pm (while supplies last). The Committee’s plant experts travel to the grower and hand-select every single plant for this sale. The mums are the best you can get, and because they eliminate the middleman, the prices are very competitive. These mums are covered with buds for long-lasting bloom. There will also be a variety of other Fall plants to choose. Stop by the Hetfield House from Thursday through Saturday to get a head start on fall color for your home and landscape. Come early for the best selection.
The Deacon Andrew Hetfield is located at Constitution Plaza (Watchung Ave., off Birch Hill Rd.) adjacent to the Mountainside Library. The Mountainside Restoration Committee is a committee of volunteers whose purpose is to restore and maintain the Deacon Andrew Hetfield and Levi Cory Houses and collect and save historic information and items from destruction. For further information, please call (908)233-3135; or, go to: www.mountainsidehistory.org