Westfield Service League Thrift and Consignment Shops to Open Sept. 5th

Thrift and Consignment Shops to Open Sept. 5th

Westfield Service League 

The Westfield Service League (WSL) has officially announced their new Executive Board for the 2024-25 season. Susan McClelland and Karen Salemme will continue to serve as Co-Presidents, and Rosann LiVolsi, as Vice President. New to the Board are Jan Herringer, Treasurer, and Carole Peyton, Secretary, who will begin two-year terms.

“Our shops are full, so come on in to do your fall shopping. We would like to remind our customers that although we sell beautiful and designer merchandise, we are a nonprofit agency, and all proceeds are distributed through grants to local charitable organizations. We wholeheartedly thank our shoppers for their support,” said Salemme.

The money raised from the sale of the goods goes to local non-profit organizations, including the Jewish Family Service of Central New Jersey, Moms Helping Moms, Caring Contact, Roots and Wings, and St. Joseph’s Social Services Center. Last year, the League was able to donate more than $90,000 to 41 organizations.

“If any community member is looking for a great way to volunteer their time, look no further. We would love for you to join our caring community of volunteers who run all aspects of our shops. Come on in and we’ll show you around and answer your questions,” added McClelland.

“I’ve been part of the WSL for over 23 years. Being part of this non-profit organization has been an amazing, rewarding experience. Not only do we work hard for well-deserving charitable organizations, but we have a great time doing it. I’ve been blessed to become a part of a family of over a hundred dedicated women. It is truly my home away from home,” said LiVolsi.

“Volunteering at the Westfield Service League is such a rewarding experience, and I encourage anyone who wants to give back to the community and make lifelong friends at the same time to join this amazing group of women. There are even opportunities for high school students to begin their volunteer journey as part of our intern program,” said Herringer. 

“I just completed my first two years on the WSL and I am impressed with the wonderful, charitable works that the members do. It’s exciting to have the opportunity to serve the League as its Secretary,” said Peyton.

Paula Davino and JoAnn Neylan will chair the thrift shop and Arlene Bertrand, Sarah Martin and Charlotte Abruzzo will chair the consignment shop.

Besides working in either the thrift or consignment shops, members serve on special committees, such as holiday sale, grants, personnel, house, food pantry, mobile meals and more. There are also many other social activities, such as “happy hour” at local restaurants once a month, book club, and field trips to area attractions. The League is active, and the stores are open from September to June. Membership meetings are held once a month.

The shop is located at 114 Elmer Street in Westfield and is open Tuesday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information about donations or volunteering, call 908-233-2530 for the Thrift Shop or 908-232-1223 for the Consignment Shop. 

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for notice of sales, special items and events.

The League has been serving the community since 1932.

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