Historical Society Bids Fond Farewell to Barry and Nancy Lack

(above) Members of the Historical Society of Florham Park: Barry and Nancy Lack, then Peter Nicolas, Michele and Bob Newhouse, Dave Setzer, Christine and Rich Davidson, and new Treasurer John Wright.

Fond Farewell

Historical Society of Florham Park

The Historical Society wished a fond farewell to long time resident and Treasurer, Nancy Lack, as she and husband Barry moved to the Carolinas. Prior to departing she helped new Treasurer John Wright transition in as he was heartily welcomed into the role. 

The Historical Society of Florham Park continues with the celebration of the 125th Anniversary of Florham Park by offering free presentations later this year. Please save the dates. Planned are: 
Presidential Visits to the Garden State – October 8 at 7pm at the Florham Park Library
History of the Vanderbilt Family – November 12 at 7pm at the Florham Park Library

Or to learn more about The Historical Society of Florham Park contact Peter Nicolas, a vp of the Historical Society, at pnicolas@optimum.net or call at 973-520-8654.

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