The American Heart Challenge at Warren Middle School

(above) Leah Ferreira, Lily Han, Gabrielle Addvensky, Skye Battiste

American Heart Challenge

Warren Township Schools

The Warren Middle School (WMS) Student Government Association (SGA) recently teamed up with the American Heart Association (AHA) to complete the American Heart Challenge to raise money for the health of all hearts.

Brandon Volosov, 7th grade student and fundraising chairperson of the SGA came up with the idea to raise money for the AHA based on personal experience and his knowledge of a beloved 6th grade math teacher at WMS who recently received a successful heart transplant. Brandon was passionate about the American Heart Challenge and wanted to share his passion with WMS.

(above) Farrah Hassimi

Nurse Lisa Lontai, Principal George Villar, and Vice Principal Maria Mensinger strongly support embracing philanthropy as an integral part of the school’s educational ethos, as it equips children with the values and skills they need to become responsible, compassionate, and socially conscious members of society.  The additional benefit of the American Heart Challenge is that students learn valuable life-saving skills, such as Hands-Only CPR, the dangers of smoking and vaping, and how to quickly recognize and respond to someone having a stroke.

Over 200 students registered to complete the American Heart Challenge and a total of  $18,532.82 was raised. Brandon exceeded his fundraising goal and raised $17,258.00, and Ria Rimani was also very successful in raising $650.00. As appreciative as the students were for those who donated to their fundraising efforts, the majority of students were grateful for learning about Hands-Only CPR and how to respond in an emergency.

(above) Audrey Liao

“Warren Middle School did an amazing job with their American Heart Challenge event and we are extremely grateful for Principal Villar, Vice Principal Mensiger, Nurse Lontai and the Student Government Association for putting together a wonderful post-challenge event where students were able to get their hearts pumping by participating in various activities such a relay races, basketball games, jump rope, and high jumps. Students also had the amazing opportunity to learn Hands-Only CPR as part of the stations,” said AHA Representative Katie Farina.

The AHA also donated $1,300.00 in physical education equipment to WMS as a thank you for all of our efforts.

Photos by Warren Township Schools

(above) Brandon Volosov
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