Mt. Horeb Girl Scout Brownie Troop project benefits food pantry

Brownie Troop project benefits food pantry

Submitted by Angela Baryiewski

The 3rd grade Girl Scout Brownie Troop from Mt. Horeb School stood outside ShopRite of Stirling on a recent Saturday to collect boxes and cans for the North Plainfield Food Pantry. The customers at the store were thrilled to generously supply groceries to help the girls complete their charity service project. ShopRite also graciously supplied the girls with a ShopRite gift card to contribute to the wonderful cause. The girls enjoyed using the gift card and shopped the aisles of ShopRite to gather additional supplies to add to their donations.

The following week, the troop visited the North Plainfield Food Pantry to deliver all the food they collected. They met with Jennifer McGovern at the pantry and helped sort the items they brought in and personally stocked the shelves. The girls agreed that it was a lot of fun and they felt good about doing something to help the community.

Courtesy photos

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