Troop 145 Scouts Learn about Entrepreneurship

Scouts Learn about Entrepreneurship

Boy Scout Troop 145

John Samsel, owner of So Delicious Ice Cream located in Clark, recently joined the scouts of Troop 145 to discuss entrepreneurship. John spoke to the Scouts about how he came about what it means to be a business owner and what is needed to make your business a success. Boy Scouts teaches to always be prepared, think ahead, and analyze all possible outcomes. Hearing Mr. Samsel speak about his experience allowed the boys to hear first-hand how these skills can help them be successful. As an added treat, Mr. Samsel had the So Delicious Truck come and all were treated to their delicious ice cream.

Troop 145 Scoutmaster, John Cistaro, thanks Mr. Samsel for donating his time and talent, it will be an experience the Scouts won’t soon forget.

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