ALT School Students hold annual Pennies for Patients Fundraiser

ALT’s annual Pennies for Patients

Warren Township Schools

The students at Angelo L. Tomaso School are bringing awareness to leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma by collecting money for Pennies for Patients. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Pennies for Patients is a charity that supports the funding to find a cure for blood cancer. 

The event consisted of a walk-a-thon held in April. Students brought their signs and walked in a loop around the blacktop for 20 minutes to honor the 20 people who are diagnosed with blood cancer each hour.

Mrs. Nancy Andrews, REACH teacher has coordinated the event. She stated “Over a decade ago, a colleague and I wanted to create a program to get our students involved in giving back to our community. This organization is particularly close to my heart as I am a childhood cancer survivor.”

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