Westfield High School Band Tours and Performs in Italy

Bentornato a casa dall’italia!!

Westfield Public Schools

The Westfield High School Band spent Spring Break touring and performing in Italy. 86 Westfield High School music students and 7 district music teachers revelled in the sights, food and music of Rome and Tuscany for nine days. Tour highlights included a visit to historical sites in Rome and Vatican City along with music clinics run by professors from the Conservatorio Ottorino Respighi in the nearby city of Latina, followed by a performance at the stunning concert hall, Teatro Nuovo in the city of Spoleto. The Westfield High School Band is the first American band to perform in the historic concert hall. The group also visited Renaissance masterpieces of Florence. The trip culminated in a stay in the Tuscan city of Lucca where local music students gave their Westfield guests a tour of their town, and then gave a joint performance at e Chiesa di San Francesco before a standing room only crowd of over 600 attendees.  

The Westfield High School Bands are led by Chris Vitale and Gabe Batiz. Additional district teachers and staff chaperones included Kristine Bates, James Doyle, Maggie Fatsis, Amanda Gant, Aaron Stallupi, along with nurse Rowena Naeseth.

For more info on Westfield High School Band, visit westfieldhsbands.org or visit them on Facebook or Instagram at WHS Bands Friends Family and Alumni.

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