Mountainside Public Library May 2024
The Mountainside Public Library is excited to announce that we have joined the Main Library Alliance (MAIN) as of May 1st. As a member of MAIN our patrons will have easy access to nearly twice as many hard copy and electronic items. With one click, patrons can see the items in 50 libraries. Patrons can then select what they want to read, watch, or listen to and have it shipped to Mountainside or any of the 50 participating libraries for pick up. Please refer to our website at mountainsidelibrary.org for any additional information or feel free to contact us at 908-233-0115.
The library will be closed on Saturday, May 25th and Monday, May 27th for Memorial Day Weekend.
Friends of the Mountainside Library will be holding their Boutique Saleat the Mountainside Library May 1st-4th. They will be showcasing jewelry, pocketbooks, small gift items and collectibles, as well as other accessories.
We will be continuing our Great Courses Series London: A Short History of the Greatest City in the Western World on Mondays from 1-2:30pm with the exception of Monday, May 6.
Our Spring Children’s Story Times and Yoga will continue with some date and time adjustments. Please check the calendar on our website,mountainsidelibrary.org for updated information.
We will be offering our Friday Afternoon Movies at 1pm with the exception of Friday 5/3 and Friday 5/10.
Read to a Therapy Dog will be held on Thursday 5/16 at 4pm. Join us and read your favorite book to our therapy dogs, Bubbles and Magnolia. Registration is required.
Process Art will be held on 5/9 from 10:30-11:30am. A morning to create something fun- it could be messy! No registration necessary. For preschoolers and their caregivers.
Monday Night Book Club will meet on Monday 5/6 at 6pm. The book this month is The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid.