Bullies to Buddies Workshop – Oct. 19th

Bullies to Buddies Workshop

On Thursday, October 19th from 6:30-8:00 p.m. Imagine, A Center for Coping with Loss will offer a Bullies to Buddies workshop at their Mountainside center at 244 Sheffield Street in Mountainside. Ther is no cost for this program. Children and youth, third grade and older are welcome to attend along with adults who wish to help the children in their lives gain skills for responding to bullying behavior. Young people attending will have an opportunity to role play techniques taught throughout the session. 

Bullying is a challenge for many students, but children and youth who are grieving are more likely to be bullied or become bullies. The Bullies to Buddies method fosters resilience by showing how to respond to verbal aggression. Children from 3rd grade and up, parents, school staff members and any interested community members are welcome to attend whether or not they have been recently impacted by a loss.

The training will be offered by Connie Palmer, LCSW who is a Grief Education Consultant for Imagine.  Connie is a former school social worker, therapist and is a Certified Bullies to Buddies Trainer.  

If you and/or your kids are interested in attending, please register by scanning the QR code below or visiting Imagine’s website at imaginenj.org. Pizza dinner is available prior to the workshop at 6:15 p.m. Please indicate your interest in coming early for pizza when you register. We hope you can join us at Imagine for this timely and beneficial workshop!

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