Candidates Forum for the Berkeley Heights Township Council – Oct. 24th

Berkeley Heights Candidates Forum – Oct. 24

The League of Women is planning a Candidates Forum for the Berkeley Heights Township Council on October 24th at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building. The program will be livestreamed and recorded.

All four Candidates were invited to participate. In order for the Forum to take place 3 of the 4 Candidates must participate.

If you have a question you want to ask, please submit it (use BH Forum in the subject line). These questions must be submitted by October 19th. All questions will be reviewed to avoid duplicates, avoid abusive language, and to make sure the question deals with the office being sought. A League trained moderator will facilitate the program.

All Candidates were asked to respond to two questions for Vote411, a digital know your candidates’ sheet,( The responses will be published on Sept 30th.

The League had to cancel its planned forum for the Berkeley Heights Board of Education since it is an uncontested race. The two candidates on the ballot were also given the opportunity to respond to two questions on

For any general voting questions, please go to UnionCountyVotes.