Mountainside Cub Scouts
We know that this time of the year is a wild and crazy time, but we’d like to take a moment to invite you and your family to try Cub Scouts this summer! Cub Scouting is a program for boys going into Kindergarten through fifth grade that focuses on “Fun with a Purpose!” A few times each month, a group of friends and parents get together for a meeting to learn exciting new skills, go on an adventure to fun places like the firehouse or local park, or discover cool things about their community and how they can make it better.

We have dozens of families involved from Beechwood and Deerfield, and we all agree — it’s great to watch the kids grow right in front of our eyes. What’s really great about Cub Scouting is how flexible it is with busy family schedules. Our scouts are involved in sports and after-school activities; we’re always very busy. With Scouting, we can miss a meeting here and there and still be a part of the flexible year-round program.
So when you’re thinking about what programs and activities you’d like your family to be a part of this year, why not give Cub Scouts a try? We’re all about doing our best, and we know you’ll love what you find! If you have any questions please e-mail NickBarbera51@hotmail.com and visit mountainsidecubscouts.com for more information.