Warren Township to receive $66,000 Grant from the Department of Community Affairs

Warren Township to receive $66,000 Grant

The Township Committee is pleased to announce that the Township has been awarded a grant for $66,000 from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA). The grant funds will go towards a new playground and upgrades to the tennis courts to include pickleball at the Greenwood Meadows Park. The total project cost is estimated at $320,000.

The Township Committee expressed appreciation to Recreation Director, Joseph Passaro and his department for spearheading the project.

Mayor Gary DiNardo, Recreation Liaison expressed his appreciation for receipt of the grant and commented that the proposed park improvements are anticipated to commence in 2024. The project will provide improved recreation facilities for our residents.

The improvements to Greenwood Meadows Park continues the Township Committees goal of improving recreation facilities throughout the township. The financial assistance provided by the grant, will reduce the financial burden to Warren taxpayers.