SOUP-er Bowl Sunday at Community Presbyterian Church

(above, l-r) Rev. Marcus Lambright from CPC, Diane McCurdy (CPC Member), Amy Jones, Family Promise Mgr of Volunteer Engagement, Debbie Almanzar, Adm. Asst., Claire Boylan, Diversion Specialist, and Jack McCurdy (CPC Member).

SOUP-er Bowl Sunday 

A SOUP-er Bowl Sunday event was held on February 12 at the Community Presbyterian Church (“CPC”) in Mountainside. The Souper Bowl tradition began approximately 20 years ago as a way to help fight hunger, with churches nationwide holding their own version of the event to raise awareness and funds. In Mountainside, Souper Bowl Sunday Lunch has become a tradition in CPC’s mission of service to others.  

This year, CPC’s Souper Bowl Sunday Lunch, to which the public was invited, included delicious home-made soup, biscuits prepared by the Sunday School children, and ice cream sundaes. Attendees donated $5 each and cans of soup, to raise funds and provide food to others. As part of the fun, participants were able to customize their sundaes with topping Kansas City Chiefs and Philadelphia Eagles team colors!  

Attendees donated canned goods, pantry items, and monetary contributions at the event. All proceeds were delivered to Family Promise of Union County in Elizabeth, New Jersey.

Family Promise is a flagship nonprofit program which provides support and services to families in Union County facing homelessness and food insecurity.  Throughout the year CPC  supports the efforts of Family Promise, as well as other community and service projects.  For more information about the Community Presbyterian Church in Mountainside, its outreach, or any other programs, please visit our website, or call (908)232-9490.

Courtesy photo