Summit Teens Serve our Neighbors in Need

Teens Tackle Homelessness

Bridges Outreach

On a cold morning in early December, a group of local teens trekked from the Oakes Center in Downtown Summit to Irvington’s Civic Square on a mission to distribute 100 new winter coats, 150 sandwiches, and other sustainables to those experiencing homelessness and/or food insecurity in Essex County.

The group, Teens Tackle Homelessness (TTH), is a program of Bridges Outreach, the Summit-based organization that is dedicated to ending homelessness in New Jersey. TTH members are high schoolers from local counties that meet once a month to discuss the causes and costs of homelessness, as well as to explore creative solutions to ending homelessness.

Bridges is well known for their street outreach runs, where staff and volunteers distribute 65,000 brown bag meals, 10,000 pairs of socks and underwear, 7,500 hygiene kits, and tons of clothing each year in Newark and Irvington. December’s TTH outreach run was bolstered by a generous donation of 100 new winter coats and 150 sandwiches coordinated and collected by the “1774 Sandwich Initiative” led by it’s founder and TTH co-President, Leon Sarkissian.

“These coats will hopefully warm the hearts of many people, despite these frigid temperatures,” exclaimed Sarkissian, who personally gave out the coats with a smile, while other TTH members served hot chocolate and soup to clients in line. In addition to the coats distributed on the outreach run, an additional 125 coats were delivered to the Thirteenth Avenue School in Newark. The coats were generously donated by the Knights of Columbus.

The 1774 Sandwich Initiative started at the beginning of the year with the goal of collecting 1,774 sandwiches for distribution by year-end (1774 is a nod to the founding year of Newark Academy, the high school that Sarkissian attends and where the sandwiches are student-assembled). With over 5,500 sandwiches already distributed, they’ve increased the target tenfold to distribute 17,740 sandwiches by 2025 (Sarkissian’s graduation year). As a result of the success of December’s run, a new initiative to distribute 1,774 coats is now also underway.

“It’s a privilege to help raise awareness at our schools and in the community” said Alice McNamara, who shares the role of TTH President with Sarkissian. Together, McNaramara and Sarkissian are organizing a “Sleep Out” fundraiser on February 17 where they are challenging friends, families, and businesses to spend one night in their backyard, car, or other outdoor space to raise crucial funds to support Bridges.

“I’m excited by the enthusiasm and fresh ideas this group has to offer and I’m grateful for their help in raising awareness and funds to support our mission,” said Richard Uniacke, President of Bridges Outreach. “The next big idea for ending homelessness may well come from this group, and I can’t wait to see where they take this.”

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