Mountainside Active Retirees hold 5th Annual Cookie Swap

(above) The Mountainside Active Retirees gathered for their 5th annual cookie swap on Tuesday, December 13.

5th Annual Cookie Swap

The Mountainside Active Retirees held their 5th annual cookie swap on Tuesday, December 13 in the Borough Hall Community Room.

Entertainment was provided by Joanne Hansen, a Mountainside resident and professional harpist. Members and non-members attending the meeting brought home-baked or store-bought cookies for the enjoyment of everyone there.

Continuing the spread of holiday cheer at the end of the meeting, a total of 105 containers, tins, and zip-lock bags were sorted, packaged and delivered to homebound Mountainside seniors. Containers were also delivered to the Volunteer Mountainside Rescue Squad, the Volunteer Mountainside Fire Department, and the Volunteer Mountainside Senior Buddy Meal Drivers. Additionally, every senior getting a delivered meal on the next day received a couple of packaged treats with their meal from the members of the Mountainside Active Retirees.

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