Street Savvy Cycling Skills Clinic
Borough of Roselle Park
The 2nd Annual Street Savvy Cycling Skills Clinic & Helmet Giveaway, held in May, was a great success! Thank you to the nearly 120 people who came out to learn safe biking practices for riding in Roselle Park. In total, 85 helmets were distributed to riders!
This clinic was presented by Councilman Jay Robaina and instructed by Paul Mickiewicz. Councilman Gregory Johnson and Councilwoman Jodi Bellomo also participated in the event.
The Borough extends a thank you to Paul Mickiewicz for teaching our residents how to stay safe on our roads. We’d also like to thank Safe Kids Union County, Westfield Health Department, and Children’s Specialized Hospital for their helmet donations and giveaways.
This clinic was made possible in part by The Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey, the County of Union, New Jersey’s Youth Services Department, Union County SHOUT, Roselle Park Police Officer Jessica Diaz, and Bob’s Bicycle Service.