2023 Local Arts Program Grant
Submissions are due by Thursday, September 15
The Somerset County Cultural & Heritage Commission is accepting applications for the 2023 Local Arts Program Grant (LAP). These grants support local arts development within Somerset County and are available to organizations such as arts agencies, libraries, non-profits, and municipalities that offer art projects/programs, arts-related services, and support for arts development.
“Arts and culture play a major role in community development by creating new jobs as well as fostering an environment and amenities that attract talented workers to the area,” said County Commissioner Deputy Director Melonie Marano, liaison to the Cultural & Heritage Commission. “Our creativity continues to draw visitors and residents to Somerset County, and our nonprofit organizations and municipalities can build on this strength with funding from our 2023 Local Arts Program Grants.”
Grant Guidelines
Funding is competitive and organizations must demonstrate managerial competency, fiscal stability, excellence in arts programming, and the organizational capacity to execute a proposed program or project. Grant funding may be requested for art programs or series, creative placemaking projects that are accessible to the general public, or general operating support if the mission is solely arts-dedicated. Funding for this grant is contingent on funds made available to the Somerset County Cultural & Heritage Commission by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts in 2023. Match requirements have been waived for 2023.
Deadline for Submission
The application submission deadline is 4 p.m., Thursday, September 15. To encourage social distancing, Somerset County prefers that applicants mail their submissions. Applications can be mailed to the Somerset County Cultural & Heritage Commission, County Administration Building, P.O. Box 3000, Somerville, New Jersey 08876. For more information about application guidelines, visithttp://bit.ly/LAPGrant.
For more information, contact the Cultural & Heritage Commission office at 908-231-7110 orCulturalHeritage@co.somerset.nj.us.
This grant opportunity is made possible by funds from the Somerset County Cultural & Heritage Commission, a partner of the New Jersey Council on the Arts.