Eighteen new staff and teachers joined the Watchung Hills Regional High School (WHRHS) team for the 2016-2017 school year opened for students on Tuesday, Sept. 6.
Among the new staff are a new instructor of instrumental Music/Band Director, and a new English Department Supervisor. There is also a second new English teacher, teachers of Physics, Math, French, Italian, Spanish, Dance, a Learning Disabilities Teacher – Consultant (LDT-C), and a special education teacher in the Science Department, as well as a new media center specialist, a new nurse, a new athletic trainer and four new instructional aides.
The new Instrumental Music Teacher and Band Director is Paul McCullen. The new Supervisor of the English Department is James Aquavia. The other new teachers include: English Teacher Christine Kirby, Physics Teacher Jordan Back, Math Teacher Barbara Stauber, French Teacher Maria Tombalakian, Italian Teacher Tyana Truong, Spanish Teacher Lisa Scherzer, Dance Teacher Annanda Carmody, LDT-C Teacher Linda Zawisha, and Special Education Teacher James Huff.
Additional new staff this year include: Media Center Specialist Scott Keele, School Nurse Angela Valerio, R.N., and Athletic Trainer Michelle Armonda.
There are also four new Instructional Aides on staff this year. They are: Bryan Hardy, Dominic Tasco, Dorian Papianni, and John “Jack” Beckert.

(above, sitting, l-r) Italian Teacher Tyana Truong, Instructional Aides Dorian Papianni and Dominic Tasco, Dance Teacher Annanda Carmody, and Athletic trainer Michelle Armonda; (standing, l-r) Instructional Aide Bryan Hardy, French Teacher Maria Tombalakian, School Nurse Angela Valerio, Math teacher Barbara Stauber, Special Education Teacher James Huff, Physics Teacher Jordan Back, and English Teacher Christine Kirby. (not in the photo) Instrumental Music Teacher\Band Director Paul McCullen, English Supervisor James Aquavia, Spanish Teacher Lisa Scherzer, Media Center Specialist Scott Keele, LDT-C Linda Zawisha, and Instructional Aide John “Jack” Beckert.