Faith Lutheran Church Celebrates 125th Anniversary of Founding

125th Anniversary of Faith Lutheran

1897 was the year that the current Faith Lutheran congregation was created in Summit, NJ and whose members adopted a constitution. Since many were Swedish immigrants, the members named their religious society, the Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Salem Congregation.

The next year, the congregation constructed a church building on Morris Avenue in Summit. Regular church services began.

In 1957 in response to a need for a Lutheran Church in the New Providence-Berkeley Heights area, the Summit congregation, whose facilities required expansion, moved to its current location, 524 South Street, New Providence. The congregation officially changed its name to Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church of New Providence.

On Sunday, June 12, 2022, Faith Lutheran Church of New Providence began the celebration of the 125th year of its founding. The day commenced with a festival worship service at 11 a.m. It was conducted by Rev. Jane McCready, pastor of Faith, and Rev. Robert Kriesat, Rev. Markus Vaga, pastoral associates of Faith.  

Rev. McCready offered the sermon, entitled, “Hopes and Dreams.” Holy Communion was served.

Enhancing the special service was the music, led by Shea Velloso, Faith’s minister of music. The sanctuary choir sang. A piano duet with Faith member, Nancy Coleman, played. Guest instrumentalists and organist, Mr. Velloso, played prior to and during the service. The congregants, regardless of their vaccination status, wore masks as a visible sign of love for neighbor.

Subsequent to the service, a luncheon was held in Faith’s Educational Center, Franklin Nelson Hall. Socializing and reminiscing were thoroughly enjoyed by the guests. Games were available to the children.

June 12, 2022 was only the first of subsequent occasions on which Faith will be commemorating its 125th anniversary.

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