Peppertown Park Bocce Tourn June 10

As their fundraising kick off, Berkeley Heights Peppertown Park Renewal Committee is hosting the very first Bocce Tournament and Festival on Saturday June 10th, in Peppertown Park from 11:00 to 4:00 pm. Peppertown Park is located between Plainfield Ave. and Sherman Ave. The Bocce tournament will pay homage to the past, as the park is rooted in Italian legacy and tradition. It was once home to the Petrone family farmstead and its name is derived from all of the pepper plants that grew on the land.
Located in the heart of downtown Berkeley Heights, Peppertown Park is the ideal place for a cultural hub, as well as a family friendly, four season use park, that when completed will be enjoyed for decades to come. The renovation process will happen in phases. The committee is comprised of many volunteers and the original concept design plans were created by Donovan Hall, a town resident and business owner. Established by an ordinance of the Berkeley Heights Town Council as an advisory Committee, the volunteers also formed a 501(c)3 charitable organization. It hopes to partner with the community, through fundraising efforts and grants to make the renewal a reality. Taxdeductible donations for the renovation efforts can be made online at or may be sent/payable to: Peppertown Park Renewal Committee, 29 Park Ave., Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922.
Teams and individuals are invited to play. Children can play in the cornhole tournament. Food will be available for purchase featuring the Italian specialties of local restaurants. It’s a family friendly event and everyone is invited to attend. Details and registration for the Bocce Tournament and Festival can be found on the website at