The Long Hill Chamber of Commerce has been hard at work planning events for their members and area business owners and operators. “We wanted to get a head start on these plans before summer set in,” said Mary Mayer of Mary’s Your Name Here, and Chamber Vice President. The chamber is planning a social media and marketing “lunch and learn” in September, Millington Downtown Day in October, and a “Meet and Greet” networking event in November. “We are especially excited to announce the return of Millington Downtown Day” said Chamber President Michelle Cavett of Soo Bahk Do Karate of Gillette. Millington Downtown Day was not held last year due to the township’s 150th anniversary celebration. As in past years, Millington Downtown Day will be a free family-friendly event with rides and activities sponsored by local businesses. “We also plan to have vendors selling jam, honey, candles, art, and other quality items”, said Cavett. For more information on these events or to join the chamber, visit their web site at longhillchamber.com.