Know a Spot That Can Use a Tree Seedling?

The NJ Tree Foundation, in partnership with Treecycler, awarded 40,000 tree & shrub saplings for free to communities across New Jersey. Trees & shrubs may be used for reforestation, stream bank restoration, watershed enhancement, etc.  Cranford has been approved to receive 500 trees. We are looking to plant in locations along flood plains, streets that lost trees from storms, and areas in need of urban reforestation.
Working together, Cranford Environmental Commission and Cranford Tree Advisory Board will oversee the distribution and installation of the new trees seedling and shrubs. This tree planting project will help educate students and the community at large by participating in the planting and ongoing care of the trees. Trees will be planted the last two weeks in April in celebration of Earth week and Arbor Day.
If you are interested in helping or know a spot that can use a tree seedling please contact: Don Jones, Environmental Commission,; Tina Helmstetter, Tree Advisory Board,