Cub Scouts Pack 145 Cleans Up Neighborhood

verterans garden 2015 Judy


(pictured) Valley Road School Veterans Garden.

The Cub Scouts of Clark Pack 145 have been extra busy this spring. There were sightings all around town of cub scouts adding beauty and care.

At Miller and  Westfield Avenue, (along the Memorial Day parade route), the pack cleaned up the area, replaced the soil in the planters and planted a beautiful variety of flowers.

Cub scouts have been working diligently on the Dr. Wm. Robinson Museum Herb Garden. The pack planted saplings along the property borderline at the James Nelson Memorial Park located on Broadway.

At the Valley Road School Veterans Garden, (located to the left of the main entrance of the school), the entire area was cleaned up, flowers were planted and mulch was added.

Cub scouts take great pride in their surroundings. For more information on scouting please visit