Learn to Sew, Craft & Quilt with Cultured Expressions

(above) AfriCrafts fabric activity kits feature supplies and instructions for fun and easy projects for kids (no-sew and low-sew) – they’re available through Cultured Expressions. Call 866-683-2568 or email info@CulturedExpressions.com.

Got Kids at Home? Let Them Sew, Craft & Quilt!

Submitted by Cultured Expressions

With schools closed indefinitely and an increasing number of work-from-home parents and guardians due to the COVID-19 situation, planning daily activities for your favorite little people will obviously be key for the well-being of all involved!

Once their online schoolwork is complete, try using your own interest in sewing and quilting to keep them occupied. Depending on the age group, they could be happy gluing colorful scraps to cardstock to create collage artwork. Older kids might want to stitch together fabrics in their favorite color (by hand or machine) to make a simple pillow or tote bag.

Whether they’ve expressed an interest in learning more about the needle arts, or the suggestion is yours, we’ve gathered a few tips for quilting with children to make the process both fun and successful!

  • Keep it simple– begin with quick fabric crafts like bookmarks, sachets, fabric pendants, pouches or a fabric collage that can also become a simple art piece suitable for framing.
  • Mending is Trendy!Show them how to creatively mend their clothes and/or add decorative patches and pockets with hand stitching and easy embroidery stitches.
  • Take into account the child’s personality when planning your quilting session. For younger kids, keep it fun (and safe)by avoiding projects that require precise measuring and cutting. Instead, pull out some precuts from your stash, focusing on the fun of design and the creativity of blending colors and patterns.
  • For older kids, or those who are naturally inclined to math and geometrymight be open to the more precision-based aspects of quilting, where templates & rulers are used.
  • Remember that children’s taste levels are more sophisticatedthan ever; have a variety of fabrics and embellishments available for experimentation. Provide the opportunity to work with batiks and other cool “adult” fabrics that aren’t strictly juvenile in design and coloration.
  • Let the child work with scraps of one of your own current projects, to create a small “featured block” you can use as the back label for your quilt. The label can include both of your signatures.
  • Remember, creative expression can help to relieve some of the stress of the situation for people of any age– with any luck, you might also create a budding new fiber artist in the process! Have a follow-up project in mind to keep up the momentum and encourage their efforts as they work. The follow-ups can introduce new techniques to gradually increase their quilting skills.

Sewers and quilters interested in making their own fabric face masks will also find CE’s FREE face mask video tutorial on Instagram @culturedexpressions.

Stay safe, and keep creating!

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