Looking for a reason to join the Boy Scouts of Berkeley Heights?

Scouting BSA

Submitted by Daniel Bower

There are many reasons to join Scouts BSA, such as learning about the outdoors, camping trips, learning leadership skills and countless other activities. Some activities that are included with being a scout are camping trips, merit badges, volunteering, etc. As a scout myself, I can confirm that some of the most exciting and memorable moments happen when a whole troop is out on a camping trip and exploring the outdoors.

Ask almost any scout and they will tell you that an all-time favorite is most definitely White Water Rafting. During this trip, Scouts spend the better part of the day paddling down a river, and through the rapids. Another incredible opportunity to make memories is during the trip to Gettysburg, where scouts learn about the Civil War. Scouts also love going to Scout Camp which is a week of exploring,camping, and making new friendships. Scouts get to earn merit badges in order to rank up. Merit badges present opportunities for scouts to try something new and learn valuable life lessons along the way. Should scouts earn the top rank of Eagle Scout, it will provide benefits throughout their lifetime.

Community service is another part of scouting. From volunteering at Reeves Reed Arboretum to clear nature trails and plant flowers and other greenery to volunteering at food and toy drives, Scouts never miss an opportunity to volunteer and do whatever they can to help around the community.

I would recommend scouting to anyone, 5th grade and up, looking for adventure and who enjoys the outdoors.Troop 68 meets Monday nights, 7 p.m. at Mary Kay McMillan School, 651 Mountain Ave, Berkeley Heights. Contact DanTatosian.BH68@troopmaster.email for more information.

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