Author: Dan DiBella

Anthony J. Hascek

Introducing SGT Anthony J. Hascek, WWII Infantry, One of Cranford’s 86 Written by Janet Cymbaluk Ashnault, Proofread by Don Sweeney, Military Expertise by Vic Bary The 86 servicemen from Cranford who never made it home from war are not able

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Linden to host Kids to Park Day – May 20

Kids to Park Day – May 20 City of Linden Kids to Park Day is a national day of outdoor play. This free family day is specifically designed to encourage children and their families to be outdoors and create their

Career Awareness Day at Mt. Horeb School

Career Awareness Day Warren Township Schools For several years, the late Wendy Piller, a beloved teacher in Warren Township Schools, would orchestrate an annual Career Awareness activity for the fourth and fifth-grade students of Mt. Horeb elementary school. The event

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New Providence holds Fishing Derby at Oakwood Park

2023 Fishing Derby On Saturday, May 6th a fishing derby was held at Oakwood Park. The event was co-sponsored by New Providence P.B.A. Local #132 and the New Providence Recreation Department. The event was open to children 15 years and younger.

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